Hello! I’m Sarah, a certified coach, certified spiritual director, yoga teacher, and holistic wellness blogger.

Holistic Wellness Blog

I’ve created this blog to help you become the best version of yourself through self-care and mindful living practices.


Take a look at the services page to discover what Rocky Trails and Rainbows has to offer.


I love spending time in nature. I find peace and restoration as I walk through the woods, yet sometimes I’m faced with rocky trails that can be difficult to navigate. Sometimes I’m not sure where the trail will end, and I might feel hesitant and wonder if I should continue. In these times, I may choose to stay on the trail and follow it through until the end, and other times, I may turn around and try a different path. I find this to be a useful metaphor for life. Working through life’s many challenges is akin to hiking over a rocky trail. Sometimes we find that an area in our life needs work, growth, or change, and we hit a rocky patch. Our burdens are lessened by sharing the journey, and sometimes we need companionship in order to reach our destination. My training as a coach and spiritual director enables me to support you as you work through life’s challenges. I will help navigate your passage over rocky roads and celebrate with you as you enter into the expanse of the rainbow.

  • Nicole

    Sarah is amazing. I found Sarah during a time when I needed a lot of help. Last year was a pretty tough year for me, between my mom passing away, struggling financially, and dealing with a bad relationship. Sarah’s support was essential to my growing and moving forward. She helped me to think about things that were going on in my life in a way that helped me to see the bigger picture. I was then able to recognize the details in a way that I had never been able to do on my own. She has continued to demonstrate unbiased and loving support to me. I would recommend Sarah to anyone who is in need of guidance and/or spiritual support in their lives. Thank you, Sarah!

  • Elaine

    Sarah’s natural warmth and presence provide a safe place to question assumptions and explore ideas. With her help, I have become more resilient and feel motivated and positive about the future.

  • Emily

    Sarah is a skilled listener, packed full of patience and empathy. I felt comfortable sharing issues with her - no matter how sensitive – and we always ended our sessions with new insights or plans that I could really use in my life. Sarah always creates a safe and supportive environment, and I’ve appreciated our time together so much! I highly recommend her services!!

  • Michelle

    Sarah asked great questions, which challenged me to recommit to my goals. She helped me to understand why I was not making my goals a priority, and she encouraged me to reflect on the importance of mindfulness and intentionality. This has been incredibly powerful for me, as I have reached my goals and now continue to strive toward new goals.